a system for building music reading skills

landmark notes
"Guide Notes"

note game drills
Beyond Landmark Notes

2-note intervals
Navigate notes by distance
Learn to navigate from note to note using intervals like 2nds or 3rds. Interval Selector is designed for this! Knowing intervals is an essential step towards fluent reading and learning.

sight, sound, & touch
Engage 3 senses for best results
Recognize intervals & patterns by sight, by sound, and by touch. Sing them, too. The Listen button encourages ear training & independent learning.

chords & beyond
Chords are the soul of music
Recognize chords in every shape & form:
chord progressions & inversions. Chord Crush will get you improvising and even reading lead sheets.

Note quest
is your friend
It’s not a teacher. It’s a powerful practice tool that will help you learn music faster with less frustration. It’s simply a system that works. Have fun with your reps!

Game Mode
Play in Real Piano, MIDI or Virtual Piano
Immediate feedback
Listens to you play with timer & score
Notes & Intervals
Learn using the intervallic reading approach
Sight Reading Mode
Practice real music excerpts organized by level
Listen Button
Use ear training to check accuracy & learn
Adjustable Tempo
Metronome clicks encourage steady rhythm & pulse